Which multimedia learning (MML) principles did Dr. Ray Pastore not follow in his video about MML principles? Why might an expert not be able to follow all the principles when creating a multimedia learning object?
After watching Dr. Ray Pastore’s video expaining some of the Multimedia learning principles, I found that Dr. Ray did not use some of the principles he introduced in his own video. Dr. Ray did not use Signaling in in his powerpoint presenation, none of the text from the presenation were in bold or different color beside the sildes where he was explaing this principle. Also I feel like Dr. Ray did not follow the Split Attention principle, when he was explaining the Dual Coding concept, he only showed us a picture of the concept, there was not any text explaning it. I think the reason Dr. Ray did not use much text in this is because the presenation was supposed to be presented with a speaker, when the slide was shown, the speaker will explain the concept via speech. Dr. Ray also pointed out that in different situations different should be used for that situation, you do not have to use all the principle at the same time.
Which multimedia learning principles would apply to a PowerPoint presentation in a classroom or face-to-face business meeting?
I think most of the principles can be used in a PowerPoint presentation, Split Attention principle would be good when explaining an object, it helps the learner to have a better understanding on the object. Signaling can be helpful for learners to see the highlight from the presenter, help them to memorize the important information from the presentation. The creator should have Coherence and Spatial&Temporal Contiguity in mind when creating a PowerPoint presentation, these two principles can help learners to be less distracted and more focus on the information that are on the slides.
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