I wonder if I put a few words here?

Category: Assignment 1 – Blog Posts

Understanding The Importance of Storytelling

  1. Link to the Twine story you’ve created. This must be your own story and not the sample story provided in the activity handout. If you would like some with your Twine story, please attend the Lab time on Wednesday or office hours on Thursday or Friday. Note: If you have problems setting up your UVic webspace to host your Twine Story, please email me your Twine HTML file and I will host it for you and email you back the web address of your story for you to put in your blog post: rmccue@uvic.ca
  2. List and briefly discuss at least two multimedia principles that directly relate to your interactive Twine story
    The Twine story is a good way for story telling and online learning, it provide some choices for the audience to choose, the audience got to see both side of the story result. It uses the Multimedia principle, I provided some images in the slides for the audience to have a better understanding of the background of the story, they also help the audience to make a choice. Feedback principle is another important one, once the user chooses an option, they get to see the outcome of that option. Then they can understand which option can have the best outcome, therefore better learning.
  3. Discuss one way you could use a Twine story for educational or instructional purposes
    I can see the Twine story can help people to plan for their future. For exmaple, the instructor can create a Twine story that lays out all the potential decision that could be faced in the future. Then the student gets to see what will outcome follows each of the decision, it could be career management, and academic management, etc.

TED Talk Review

With the current epidemic, I decide to do a review on this Ted talk by Bill Gates from 2015. It is a presentation explaining why the world is not ready for the next disease outbreak and the areas should be improved on in the future.

At first Bill used a nuclear survive cell in the back to resonate that it is no longer the problem we are facing now. Then he brought up the Ebola epidemic that happened before and how poorly it was being treated, it showed us how unprepared the people were. Bill then extends the fact that Ebola is not even a huge disease, it does not spread that fast, there are far more dangerous diseases out there. After that he showed us if we do nothing and an epidemic happens, the death count and the economic loss. Near the end, he suggested some solutions on how to prevent an epidemic from happening and how to treat it if it happens.

In his presentation, Bill followed multimedia principle, he uses PowerPoint to help the audience to learn have a better understanding of the messages. During his presenation, his PowerPoint slides are very efficient and effective, there ain’t many text on the slides, they were only used when important data comes up. This shows the use of the modality principle. The use of colour is also very professional and simple, it does not distract the audience from the information that he is trying to show. Bill uses signalling principle in some of his slides to highlight the key information, for example in the slide where he showed the death count of the EBOLA epidemic, he used bond and orange to highlight the number. Overall a great presentation packed with good information and useful knowledge.

How to Evaluate Multimedia

  1. Link to the 360-tour you created with either Marizipano or Google Earth Stories. If you would like some help creating your 360 tour, please attend the Lab time on Wednesday or office hours on Thursday or Friday. Note: If you choose the Marzipano 360 Tour option and have problems setting up your UVic web space to host your tour, please email me your ZIP file with your tour and I will host it for you and email you back the web address of your tour: rmccue@uvic.ca
  2. Evaluate the H5P interactive video you created last week using the SAMR or SECTIONS frameworks
    Using SECTIONS frameworks to evalute my H5P interactive video, I think it covered most of the points in the framework. For students, the video is made for all the home owners that are looking to wash their cars properly, they should have access to wash hoses and a drive way to perform the washing process. The video is very ease of use, the audience can just lay back and watch the video. I also put in some small interaction to have some engagement with the audience, helping them to remember the important bits of the video. The youtube video is relativly safe for instructor and students to use, it is a worldwide plateform for all the enthusiasts to communitcate.
  3. Explain why you chose the evaluation framework you used
    I choose the SECTIONS because I think it gives me a more in depth look of my multimedia learning lesson, help me to set goals and achieve them.
  4. List and briefly discuss at least two multimedia principles that directly relate to your interactive H5P video you created last week
    In my video, I specially highlight when the presenater was using the pre wash foam, I added a text box explaining why the pre wash foam was used and the purpose of the foam. This is the Signaling preinciple from Dr. Ray’s video, this makes sure the audience notice the foam. Then I put a multiple choice near the end of the video, asking the audience which of the wash order is correct. This gives audience a chance to memorize the most important idea from the video, if they can not remember the answer, they can always go back in the video and find the answer.

Getting Started with Multimedia Learning

Which multimedia learning (MML) principles did Dr. Ray Pastore not follow in his video about MML principles? Why might an expert not be able to follow all the principles when creating a multimedia learning object?

After watching Dr. Ray Pastore’s video expaining some of the Multimedia learning principles, I found that Dr. Ray did not use some of the principles he introduced in his own video. Dr. Ray did not use Signaling in in his powerpoint presenation, none of the text from the presenation were in bold or different color beside the sildes where he was explaing this principle. Also I feel like Dr. Ray did not follow the Split Attention principle, when he was explaining the Dual Coding concept, he only showed us a picture of the concept, there was not any text explaning it. I think the reason Dr. Ray did not use much text in this is because the presenation was supposed to be presented with a speaker, when the slide was shown, the speaker will explain the concept via speech. Dr. Ray also pointed out that in different situations different should be used for that situation, you do not have to use all the principle at the same time.

Which multimedia learning principles would apply to a PowerPoint presentation in a classroom or face-to-face business meeting?

I think most of the principles can be used in a PowerPoint presentation, Split Attention principle would be good when explaining an object, it helps the learner to have a better understanding on the object. Signaling can be helpful for learners to see the highlight from the presenter, help them to memorize the important information from the presentation. The creator should have Coherence and Spatial&Temporal Contiguity in mind when creating a PowerPoint presentation, these two principles can help learners to be less distracted and more focus on the information that are on the slides.

Learning the Multimedia Lesson Plan & Design Process

  1. Embed at least one H5P video in your blog post along with at least one other multimedia object (photos, videos, infographics etc). Note: one of the activities in Topic 4 walks you through the process of creating an interactive H5P video. If you would some help this, please attend the Lab time on Wednesday, or office hours on Thursday or Friday.
  2. Describe the key reasons why creating a multimedia lesson plan -before- creating multimedia content is so important
    Having a lesson plan helps you to forsee the all the potential problems. It helps you to lay out the goal, objectives, and every steps to do it. Once the plan is crafted, the multimedia content should be created to better fit the audience, using multimedia to engage students to interacte with the lesson.
  3. List and briefly discuss the multimedia principles that directly relate to videos with embedded multiple-choice questions
    In my video, I specially highlight when the presenater was using the pre wash foam, I added a text box explaining why the pre wash foam was used and the purpose of the foam. This is the Signaling preinciple from Dr. Ray’s video, this makes sure the audience notice the foam. Then I put a multiple choice near the end of the video, asking the audience which of the wash order is correct. This gives audience a chance to memorize the most important idea from the video, if they can not remember the answer, they can always go back in the video and find the answer.

Assignment 2

How would the Dual Coding Theory change how you create PowerPoint presentations?

After listen to the boradcast, I learned that there are two ways of receiving information: Vision and Sound. The most effective way of present information to audience is to use both of the ways. I used to create PowerPoint presentations with a lot of words and less photos on the slides, during the presenation I will just repeat whats on the slides. This isn’t the best way since the audience will be overloaded with the text on the slides and the sound from me. For future I would consider using more visual information and only necessary captions. This way the audience will have the mix of sound and visional information.

Why are we talking about the concept of Flow in a class about online and multimedia learning?

The concept of Flow have a direct impact in learning. Studies have found that when a person is in the state of flow, he is more likely to have better performance at their tasks. In online and multimedia learning, many students including myself found studying online can be distracted easily by many outside elements. If we can understand the concept, we can help students to get in the state of Flow.

Assignment 1

One thing I hope to get out of this class, and one thing that I am unsure about with this class

Ever since COVID-19 situation, face to face activities become greatly restricted. Then everything moved to online, including school.  Online learning is the new way of getting new knowledge. Online learning can be confusing sometime, everyone is new to this.

After two and half semesters of online learning, I did not find too much success in it. I found myself often drafting away during lectures, and loss of motivation.

I am hoping this course can help me learn how to learn from online, and I am hoping I can help other people to success online too.

Can you think of an example of an interactive or multimedia learning experience you have experienced yourself that you enjoyed or made a positive impact on you? What made it impactful to you?

I like cars and machines, therefore I watch a lot of videos online to learn how they works. There are many youtuber making fun videos expaining how different components correspond with the each other to make the car run. I found those videos are very helpful and insteresting to watch.

Welcome and Introduction

Before proceeding with this first blog post, we expect you to consider your privacy preferences carefully and that you have considered the following options:

  1. Do you want to be online vs. offline?
  2. Do you want to use your name (or part thereof) vs. a pseudonym (e.g., West Coast Teacher)?
  3. Do you want to have your blog public vs. private? (Note, you can set individual blog posts private or password protected or have an entire blog set to private)
  4. Have you considered whether you are posting within or outside of Canada? This blog on opened.ca is hosted within Canada. That said, any public blog posts can have its content aggregated/curated onto social networks outside of Canada.

First tasks you might explore with your new blog:

  • Go into its admin panel found by adding /wp-admin at the end of your blog’s URL
  • Add new category or tags to organize your blog posts – found under “Posts” (but do not remove the pre-existing categories or sub-categories).  If you would like to add more course categories, please do so (e.g., add EDCI 306A with no space for Music Ed, etc.)
  • See if your blog posts are appearing on the course website (you must have the course categories assigned to a post first and have provided your instructor with your blog URL)
  • Add pages
  • Embed images or set featured images and embed video in blog posts and pages (can be your own media or that found on the internet, but consider free or creative commons licensed works)
  • Under Appearance,
    • Select your preferred website theme and customize to your preferences (New title, etc.)
    • Customize menus & navigation
    • Use widgets to customize blog content and features
  • Delete this starter post (or switch it to draft status if you want to keep for reference)

Do consider creating categories for each course that you take should you wish to document your learning (or from professional learning activities outside of formal courses). Keep note, however, that you may wish to use the course topic as the category as opposed to the course number as those outside of your program would not be familiar with the number (e.g., we use “Multimedia Learning” instead of “edci337).

Lastly, as always, be aware of the FIPPA as it relates to privacy and share only those names/images that you have consent to use or are otherwise public figures. When in doubt, ask us.

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